Thursday, June 26, 2014

Week #6 Reading

1. Explain why Voices in The Park is an example of a postmodern picturebook.

Anthony Browne’s Voices in the Park is a wonderful example of a postmodern picturebook as described by Serafini in our class text.  This book demonstrates the effect of a story written from four different perspectives. Serafini refers to this characteristic as “polyphonic” narratives.  The first narrator is seems to be an affluent woman who takes her son to the park to walk their pedigree dog Victoria.  The second narrator is a jobless man who seems hopeless as he looks for a job in the newspaper.  The third narrator is the young boy of the affluent mother who longs for a friend and an outing to the park.  The fourth narrator Smudge is the daughter of the jobless man who wants to get her father out of his “funk” and take their dog to the park. Each of these narrators gives a different perspective of the time spent in the park and symbolizes how cultural and social influences have on one’s perspective of the adventure in the park.

This book also gives a feeling that there is a disruption of traditional time and space relationships in the narrative that is also a component of a postmodern picturebook.

2. Give examples of how at least three of the picturebook codes listed on pg 78 are used in Voices In The Park.

Codes of Perspective

This was evident in this picturebook by Anthony Browne in that each narrator was able to convey a personal perspective of the day in the park.  When the young boy Charles and girl Smudge were sitting on the park bench with the third narrative part, it was noticeable that the boy who longed for a friend while he sat watching the playful dogs was sitting with a darkness or gloomy aura around him.  On the other hand, Smudge was sitting on the same park bench with rays of sunshine surrounding her.  Each of these narrators had a different perspective of the situation and it was demonstrated in the point of view or setting to change how we interpret the scene.

Codes of Frame

The majority of images in the picturebook were framed images. However, it was noticeable that the borders in the narrations by the affluent mother and her young son Charles were crisp and clean borders and the images were captured in magnificent light and brightness of light.  In contrast the images surrounding the narrations of the jobless man were worn and encompassed dull and gloomy colored images representing the downtrodden demeanor and sense of hopelessness that the man felt.

Codes of Color

With each narrative the changes in image color speaks boldly to each narrator’s perspective.  The images surrounding the affluent woman and her young boy are bright and cheery with substantial variation of color used in each image. This relates to the social element where this woman is able to be home with her young son and enjoy a walk in the park because she has the resources to do so.   In contrast, the images surrounding the jobless man are dull and gloomy without the myriad of color to demonstrate the feeling of hopelessness the man feels.  Even his clothing is worn and dirty.  The young girl brings an element of color to the father with her cheery attitude and sense of hopefulness.  She is child-like despite her situation and finds hope in the world in which she lives.  She sees beauty and finds joy in the simplest of things (going down the slide, or being on the teeter totter).

3. Identify and explain the type of "interplay" between the written word and visual images on one of the pages in Voices In The Park.

This book shows interplay between the written word and visual images from narrator to narrator.  The font choices by author Anthony Browne show a distinction between each of the narrators.  A formal more sophisticated font was used for the affluent woman.  A bolder plain font was used for the jobless man.  The font used for the children were childlike and for the boy more sophisticated than the young girl.

4. Identify the art movement or technique that is being used in Voices In The Park.

The art movement used by Anthony Browne in Voices in the park was typical for this author’s work.  Anthony Browne has been known to use images and even characters that are uncommon and this is witnessed in the ape-faced images of the individual narrators in this picturebook.  Browne used this motif in his this and other works of his to demonstrate surrealism.  This concept shows images that are illogical, imaginative and out of the ordinary.  In this book he uses the ape faced character narrators to tell the story of a day in the park.

5. Conduct an Ideological Analysis and Structural Analysis of Voices In The Park. What is the message? Provide evidence from the images to support your opinion. Use the examples on pg 86, 87,89. I do not expect your analysis to be as in-depth but I would like for you to make two or three insightful observations about the perspectives and social context conveyed through the books words and images.

Ideological Analysis:

Voices in the Park demonstrates the lives of two people from different social classes.  The first narrator, a woman living a pristine life of affluence and rank in the society’s social structure has the means to be at home with her son and the family dog.  Her clothing and home surroundings as illustrated in the book show affluence and wealth. She and her young boy are dressed in better clothes and formal coats.  In contrast the man who is jobless and hopeless to find one is from a lower social class.  Whether he and his daughter live alone in an apartment or meager home environment, their clothing and surrounding give evidence to the hopelessness and lack of monetary wealth. These ideals represent differences in perspectives as well as social classes.  The jobless father and daughter interaction in this book introduces a unique situation where the father is home being urged to go to the park with his daughter and the family dog. The time period in which this book was written shows the distinction of the social class and interplay between the two families.

Structural Analysis:

When analyzing the metafunction of this picturebook the interpersonal component reveals the position of the characters to the reader.  In this book the adult narrators, both the affluent snobbish woman and the hopeless father without a job, are fairly close to the reader and also larger images.  In contrast the young narrators both Charles and Smudge are at midrange to the reader.  Their positions reveal their perspectives.  The children are further away from the reader than the adults and this reveals how many children are less focused than adults in many situations.  The children in the book look more at their surroundings with great expectation.  The reader is able to see a wider perspective when images of the children are shown.
Compositional metafunction is evaluating the frames around the characters in the image.  In this book, the characters are within the frame of the image, typically centered to the viewer.  There are a few images where you can see where the characters have been and where they are going.  The
Ideational metafunction represents the characters and their interaction with each other. In this book it is evident that the mother and father do not interact because of their difference in social class status.  The children on the other hand are not influenced by their extreme difference in social class.  They play and interact well despite their different upbringing.  This shows how young children do not recognize the social differences and look more at the person and not where they come from in society.

6. Embed a picture of the cover of Voices In The Park in your blog.


Serafini, F. (2014). Reading the visual: an introduction to teaching multimodal literacy. New York: Teachers Collage Press.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Week #6 Analyzing Visual Images and Design in Picturebooks

Analysis of Voices in the Park by Anthony Browne

Begin by considering the format of the images and their placement in the picturebook

Where is the text located? Within the image? Separated by borders or white space, Why? Are the illustrations double page spreads, single page images, collages, overlapping images, or portraits?
The text is located in the white space away from the pictures.  There are borders of white space around the text.  This allows the reader to focus on the text and read the black and white easily.  This would appeal to an early reader or even a younger child to whom it is being read.    The illustrations are on single page spreads and large enough for details to be visualized.  They are colorful images that attract attention to the detail so the story can unfold as each of the narrators describes his/her time in the park.

Consider the series of images in the picturebook. Do the images change over the course of the book? Do they get bigger, smaller, change?
The images throughout the book span the largest portion of the page if not the entire page. However there are several instances where the image is smaller and then expands on the page.  The variety of picture/illustration size makes reading of the story by the four narrators take on a different feel and allows the variety to make reading more interesting and entertaining.

 Select an image from Voices In The Park to consider. Use the following questions to guide your analysis.  Take a Screen Shot of the Image and embed the image in your blog. 

What is fore-grounded and in the background?

The foreground is jobless man and his daughter arriving in the park to walk their dog.  The background is the beautiful park with vivid color and sunshine, trees and bushes in full bloom and a well-manicured lawn in the park.

Consider the path your eyes follow as you approach the image. What catches your eye first? Why is that element salient?

As I first take a glance at the picture I am drawn to the image of the people and the dog walking from “darkness” to “light” as they enter the park.
This is the first place my eyes go when looking at the picture and I believe it is because of the bright colors used in the daughter Smudge’s jacket.

What colors dominate the image? What effect does this have on you as reader?

The vivid colors of objects in the park dominate in the picture.  As the reader it is evident that the park is a wonderful place to visit full of life and beauty.  The appearance of the park is inviting to the reader as the story progresses.

Consider the use of white (negative) space. Are the illustrations framed or full bleed? How does this position you as a viewer?

The images have crisp borders surrounded by white space.  It is perceived as a picture looking into the park and the adventure that awaits the jobless father and his daughter as they walk their dog.

What is the reality value or level of abstraction? Are the images life-like or stick figures?

These images are life-like in nature.  The trees and shrubs are relatively appropriate size to the people in the picture.  The people, the father and his daughter as well as their dog are full life-like figures and not stick figures.

Are there any recurring patterns in the images?

No, there are no recurring patterns in the image.

Are there any anomalous elements? Things that stick out, or seem out of place? Are these important to consider?

The gates of entry to the park seem to be large and out of place.  They also hide a feeling of darkness and gloom.  These gates or wall may symbolize the trapped feeling that the man feels as he realizes he has no job or way to support his family.

What is the artist trying to get you to look at through leading lines, colors, contrast, gestures, lighting?

I believe the artist would like to you to look at the colors as they appear in the image. There is boldness of color and clarity of the images in the park.  Once again it is an inviting place, free from stress and problems of the man’s jobless situation.  The light that shines in the image reveals a welcoming atmosphere one that will reveal happiness and peace despite the trials of life they are experiencing.

Are there any recurring symbols or motifs in the images?

The life of the park and its beauty are recurring in the image.

Consider the style or artistic choices? Are the appropriate, and how do they add to the meaning of the picturebook?

The artistic choices of color and illusion give great meaning to the picturebook.  There are several distinct themes used throughout to show the four narrators perspectives. For example, the young boy Charles is lonely and wants to find a friend.  He ventures into the park with his mother for her to walk her prized dog, Victoria.  When he sits on the park bench with Smudge there is a distinct shadow over his side of the image and brightness and full color on Smudge’s side of the image.  She is encouraged by her father venturing to the park despite their downtrodden situation of not having a job to support his family.  She is adventurous and invites Charles to play.  Charles watches as his family dog and Smudge’s family dog frolic and play like old friends. Once again, Charles longs for a friend and finds one in Smudge.

How are the images framed? Are there thick borders or faded edges?

Most of the images are framed with white space around them.  There are a few that fade or bleed around the borders.  Many of the images surrounding the narrations by the affluent and even snobbish mother and her son are crisp and clean with bright vivid color.  The images with the jobless father are dull and gloomy.  Much of this color scheme and image border lines show evidence of his or her life situations and set the stage for each narrator’s perspective.

Consider the setting of the story. How is this realized in the images? Realistically? Metaphorically?
The setting of the story is vivid to readers because the images are reality to the reader.  For example, the park is a place of beauty and safety just as the homes reference the life situations that in which each of the narrators live.  This element gives the reader a “realistic” setting and a vivid understanding of how each person sees his or her life and faces the challenges each day. Metaphorically, these images portray the life situation and social status of each of the individuals that take turns narrating the story.

Consider size and scale. What is large? Why are certain elements larger than others? Does this add to meanings of power, control?

Many of the images are normal size and scale throughout this piece. However some images seem rather large compared to the others in the same picture.  For example the cover of the book shows the trees that line the walkway to the park are extremely large compared to the small images of the people at the end of the walk.  This gives meaning to the security and covering the park gives to its visitors.  There are other images of the snobbish affluent woman when she hollers for her dog Victoria to come after being let of the leash and chasing the other dog.  She seems angry and very controlling as well when Charles is having a great time with Smudge.  It is evident to her of the girl’s lower class status and doesn’t want her young son to associate with her.

Consider the viewers point of view. Do characters directly gaze or address the viewer? Are the characters close up or distanced? How does point of view add to relationships with the characters?

The characters in the book do not address the reader but interact with each other and their surrounding.  The characters are close up to the reader so we can see their expressions and detail of each of them.  The boy Charles and young girl Smudge address each other and interact and play just as the two family dogs do in the park.  The man and his daughter must have a wonderful loving relationship despite their circumstances in life.  Even in the image I selected you see the father and his daughter holding hands as they venture into the park with their dog.  The affluent and snobbish woman remains separated from most of the characters and I believe it is because she feels “too good” to associate with the commoner or lower class person in the park.  Therefore she is adamant that Charles leaves at once after finding his new friend Smudge.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Week #5 Reading

Week #5 Reading Assignment (Chapters 3-5)
1. Copy and paste a quote from each of the chapters that causes you to have a strong reaction (agreement, disagreement, confusion...) and explain your reaction.
Chapter 3-
“Perception is a transaction between the qualities of the environments in which we live and the experiences a person brings to those qualities” (Eisner, 2002).
I agree with this quote because I truly believe our environment, our upbringing and even our cultural background determines our perception of everything we see. Images can be interpreted in various ways depending on a person’s life experiences.  As teachers we MUST recognize our students come from a vast array of backgrounds and life experiences.  What one student may interpret about an image may be completely different from another student.  For this reason, using multimodal ensembles is an effective way to help students express and demonstrate a meaning that is relevant to their life experiences.  It is also extremely revealing to a teacher to see how her students interpret the world around them.
Chapter 4-
“The choices about what to represent in written text or in visual images are based on the concepts of materiality, aptness, and modal fixing.  Illustrators use different materials and modes to communicate their ideas than authors.  What can be done with photography, for example, is very different from what can be done through writing.”
This was an interesting quote from chapter 4 and I strongly agree with this statement primarily because of my hobby…scrapbooking.  Because I take many pictures, I do so to create a chronological story of my family’s life. My pictures relate to not only the activity but also the feelings and emotions of the day.  As it has been said, “ a picture is worth a thousand words” the author of our text relates to how much meaning an image can give and therefore why illustrators use them.  Much of the meaning that comes from images and photos cannot be relayed in written text.  For this reason, students should be given a chance to utilize multimodal ways to communicate their work.  PowerPoint presentations and illuminated texts are both an effective way to allow students to relay the personal meaning and a deeper understanding to what they have learned.
Chapter 5-This chapter was extremely interesting to me in relationship to the colors, size, shape and design of multimodal ensembles.
“Students need to consider how colors work in an image, going beyond colors or being attracted to specific colors to consider what they might signify.  Helping students consider how specific colors are used in an image and how they may affect their interpretations is a good pedagogical starting point” (Serafini, p.58).
I strongly agree with the author’s statement regarding the effectiveness in teaching how color (and other facets of presentations) effect the interpretation you want other to perceive.  For example, a red color can refer to “hot” or “angry” whereas blue is a peaceful color.  When teaching about multimodal presentations and how to construct these ensembles, students should recognize how color and shape leads to a deeper meaning than the text only.  I have realized the effectiveness of color and animations of text when I have developed my projects thus far in this class.  This was a concept that I was aware of but never recognized the complexity of something as simple as color and shape.

2. Find an image, symbol or motif and upload it to your blog.

3. Conduct a content analysis:  
                What do you see?
When looking at the image I see a woman possibly a princess or queen with a crown on her head. She has long hair and womanly figure.
                What is the image about?
The image is represents a siren from Greek mythology. A siren was a goddess with a nautical origin.  This logo was chosen by Starbucks because the company was originated in Seattle in 1971 when it was known as for its sailing and a seaport where ships docked.   These sirens in Greek mythology lured sailors with their beautiful singing that caused them to become obsessed and crash their ships into the rocks.
                Are there people in the image? What are they doing? How are they presented?
Yes, there is a woman in the image.  She is a goddess and looks appealing.  There is also a nautical sense to the image with the fins or tale of the woman flaring up.

                Can the image be looked at different ways? Explain how the image might be interpreted from two different socio-cultural perspectives. Which perspective is dominant? 
I believe the image could be viewed in a couple different ways.  Adults and especially the ones who drink coffee would recognize as the Starbucks logo.  Young children might view this as a princess/queen with a crown, maybe even Ariel from the Little Mermaid.
                How effective is the image as a visual message.
This is a powerful visual image especially for individuals that are like me, addicted to coffee!!

4. Conduct a visual analysis: Use the Chapter on Elements of Art, Design and Visual composition to assist your visual analysis. 
                How is the image composed? What is in the background, and what is in the foreground?
Image is composed with a green image and a white background.
                What are the most important visual elements in the image? How can you tell?
The most important visual elements are the color and the symbolization that the image represents. The woman on the logo makes it look inviting or almost enticing.
                How is color used?
Green refers to nature and a calming color. I also see green as a bold or crisp color that could represent the boldness of the coffee they serve.

                Can the image be looked at different ways?
I believe the image can be looked at differently.  Adults and people who drink coffee would view the image as a place to purchase good coffee and even relax and read the paper or surf the Internet in a peaceful yet interactive environment or socialize with friends.  Others may just see this image or logo and recognize the woman with a crown and a “mermaid-like” tail such as Ariel.  They may also focus on the fact that the woman is wearing a crown and therefore must be a princess or a queen.
                What meanings are conveyed by design choices?
The meaning conveyed by the design choice was to represent a siren from Greek mythology.  Starbucks Company chose this symbol because the company began in Seattle, WA in 1971. Many years ago Seattle was known for its sailing and seaports and the siren in Greek mythology was thought to lure sailors with her beautiful melodies.  When sailors would hear the melodies of the sirens they would become obsessed in finding them and hit the rocks in the harbor area, ships would sink and they would die.


Serafini, F. (2014). Reading the visual: an introduction to teaching multimodal literacy. New York: Teachers Collage Press.

Image retrieved from on June 20, 2014.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Illuminated Text Week 5

Illuminated Text

Three Brain Networks

1. Recognition Networks
Exercise your recognition networks' processing by quickly listing the individual objects you recognize in this picture.
You probably identified lots of objects including people, pictures, furniture, doorways, tables and chairs. Many of these objects are in poor light or only partially shown, yet your powerful recognition networks recognized them instantly.

You said you recognized:
Five women
A child
Photos or wall hangings
table with a white tablecloth
a doorway
natural light coming from the left
a chair
a small table
a piano with piano music on stand

2.  Strategic Networks

Exercise your strategic networks by examining this image for a few different purposes. Notice how you look at the image differently depending on your purpose.
How old are the people in this picture?
Man in mid 40s
Woman with apron mid 30s
girl behind woman in apron early 20s
girl next to chair mid 20s
woman at the piano 50
woman at table with child age 30
child 3-4 years old
What historical period and geographical location do you think this picture represents? Why?I believe this picture represents a historical period around early 1900s due to the clothing and the decor that is present in the picture.
How might the people be feeling in this picture?I feel that the women in the photo are rather surprised or shocked with a tendency to be anxious with the arrival of the gentleman.
3. Affective Networks
What in particular strikes you about this picture?I am drawn to the expressions on the women's faces as the gentleman walks into the room.
Note something about yourself that might have led you to focus on these particular aspects:Since I am a person who tends to have a plan or strategy for each day's activities I have probably felt this way when a surprise visitor or unexpected guest arrives at my house when I am busy.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Week #4 Reading Assignment

June 10, 2014            WEEK 4 Reading Assignment

1. Copy and paste a quote from the reading that causes you to have a strong reaction (agreement, disagreement, confusion...) and explain your reaction.

“As the new millennium unfolds, it is time for educators to focus on the visual images and multimodal aspects of the texts our students encounter, and develop the theoretical, curricular, and pedagogical structures to support our students’ interpretations and analyses of these texts.”

I believe this quote summarizes the entire reading for this week. For educators to be effective in teaching to a “tech-savvy” students and those who are deeply immersed in the digital media of the age, we MUST introduce and embrace all modes of which we can learn.  Students must not only see an image or picture but also develop and interpret a deeper understanding of what they are viewing.  Teachers who utilize multimodal pedagogical strategies have recognized that their students thrive and learn which will prepare them for the world that awaits them.

2. Why should educators care about multimodal texts?

According to the author, educators should care about multimodal texts because when utilized students become more complex thinkers.  Students of today need to combine multiple medias and texts to construct a meaning for all they encounters in their lives. 

It was also noted that students that have a great understanding of written text only and become fluent readers and writers as defined previously struggle to gain the deeper understanding until they are encouraged to think “out of the box” and develop multimodal texts and images.   As teachers continue to develop lesson plans the incorporate strategies for students to interact with the resources available to them students will become more familiar with and more comfortable in utilizing, constructing, and interpreting complex multimodal texts.

 3. How is your definition of literacy different or similar to the definition literacy presented in the book? Or how did the reading change or expand your definition of literacy?

This reading helped to broaden my definition of literacy and the important need for teachers to introduce and incorporate multiple modes of learning rather than focusing on the written text only.  As I read the chapters I found myself reminiscing about reading picture books to my daughters and helping them construct meaning and understanding of the story without even knowing how to read.  I feel that the author had a great point in noting how we stray away from images in the more advance pieces of literature. How sad!! I know pictures are worth a 1,000 words and I believe that images introduce a rather unique facet of learning that words only cannot.  Therefore I believe images SHOULD be included in our reading texts regardless of their complexity.

4. How can visual literacy support the development of the kinds of reading and writing we want children to learn through schooling?

Appropriately introducing visual literacy to our children will encourage learning because students will develop a deeper understanding and therefore be able to make sense of the reading they do and the writings they construct.  With the multiple resources available to our students, we can reinforce their learning when they are instructed to utilize multimodal texts and images.  It is evident that there are many types of learners and as a teacher we should construct lesson plans that incorporate a variety of experiences that enhance our teaching and help students learn effectively to be ready to excel in the world in which they live.

5. Find an online resources that addresses issues of visual literacy in education link to it or embed it your blog posting and provide a brief explanation of how it relates to this week's reading. 

After reviewing this online resource, I found that it was an excellent source for innovative ideas for teachers and parents to help incorporate visual learning activities for students to expand and deepen their understanding of literature.  Again, I noticed picture books were used to help students see visually what they are reading. Why have we abandoned these wonderful picture books???

6. Find an image that relates to the ideas presented in this week's reading.


Serafini, F. (2014). Reading the visual: an introduction to teaching multimodal literacy. New York: Teachers Collage Press.

Fetter, Bette (n.d.) Retrieved from June 12, 2014