Thursday, June 12, 2014

Week #4 Reading Assignment

June 10, 2014            WEEK 4 Reading Assignment

1. Copy and paste a quote from the reading that causes you to have a strong reaction (agreement, disagreement, confusion...) and explain your reaction.

“As the new millennium unfolds, it is time for educators to focus on the visual images and multimodal aspects of the texts our students encounter, and develop the theoretical, curricular, and pedagogical structures to support our students’ interpretations and analyses of these texts.”

I believe this quote summarizes the entire reading for this week. For educators to be effective in teaching to a “tech-savvy” students and those who are deeply immersed in the digital media of the age, we MUST introduce and embrace all modes of which we can learn.  Students must not only see an image or picture but also develop and interpret a deeper understanding of what they are viewing.  Teachers who utilize multimodal pedagogical strategies have recognized that their students thrive and learn which will prepare them for the world that awaits them.

2. Why should educators care about multimodal texts?

According to the author, educators should care about multimodal texts because when utilized students become more complex thinkers.  Students of today need to combine multiple medias and texts to construct a meaning for all they encounters in their lives. 

It was also noted that students that have a great understanding of written text only and become fluent readers and writers as defined previously struggle to gain the deeper understanding until they are encouraged to think “out of the box” and develop multimodal texts and images.   As teachers continue to develop lesson plans the incorporate strategies for students to interact with the resources available to them students will become more familiar with and more comfortable in utilizing, constructing, and interpreting complex multimodal texts.

 3. How is your definition of literacy different or similar to the definition literacy presented in the book? Or how did the reading change or expand your definition of literacy?

This reading helped to broaden my definition of literacy and the important need for teachers to introduce and incorporate multiple modes of learning rather than focusing on the written text only.  As I read the chapters I found myself reminiscing about reading picture books to my daughters and helping them construct meaning and understanding of the story without even knowing how to read.  I feel that the author had a great point in noting how we stray away from images in the more advance pieces of literature. How sad!! I know pictures are worth a 1,000 words and I believe that images introduce a rather unique facet of learning that words only cannot.  Therefore I believe images SHOULD be included in our reading texts regardless of their complexity.

4. How can visual literacy support the development of the kinds of reading and writing we want children to learn through schooling?

Appropriately introducing visual literacy to our children will encourage learning because students will develop a deeper understanding and therefore be able to make sense of the reading they do and the writings they construct.  With the multiple resources available to our students, we can reinforce their learning when they are instructed to utilize multimodal texts and images.  It is evident that there are many types of learners and as a teacher we should construct lesson plans that incorporate a variety of experiences that enhance our teaching and help students learn effectively to be ready to excel in the world in which they live.

5. Find an online resources that addresses issues of visual literacy in education link to it or embed it your blog posting and provide a brief explanation of how it relates to this week's reading. 

After reviewing this online resource, I found that it was an excellent source for innovative ideas for teachers and parents to help incorporate visual learning activities for students to expand and deepen their understanding of literature.  Again, I noticed picture books were used to help students see visually what they are reading. Why have we abandoned these wonderful picture books???

6. Find an image that relates to the ideas presented in this week's reading.


Serafini, F. (2014). Reading the visual: an introduction to teaching multimodal literacy. New York: Teachers Collage Press.

Fetter, Bette (n.d.) Retrieved from June 12, 2014


  1. I really enjoyed the quote that you pick and I too believe that this quote summarizes the weekly reading exactly. I agree that in order for us to challenge our students and engage our students we must incorporate technology into our curriculum effectively due to that is how they have grown up. I also agree that it will allow our students to develop a better understanding of the content material due to a higher engagement.

  2. Cara – I completely agree that, as educators, we *must* embrace ALL of the modes that we are able to in order to fully benefit our students who, whether we stay up-to-date or not, are definitely moving forward and are immersed in a tech-heavy environment. As you point out, we must take a multimodal approach in order to help our student thrive and learn in a manner that will well-prepare them for their futures.
    In addition, as you point out, assisting our students to become deeper thinkers and to develop creative and innovated thinking approaches to curriculum will contribute to a greater understanding of written text as well as helping our students develop their reading abilities; multimodal approaches can, when incorporated in an enhancing manner, greatly benefit our students on many levels.
    Also, I agree with you that images (and other contributing facets of a multimodal approach) develop an understanding of topics that “words-only” cannot.

  3. Cara,
    I also think that images should be in everything we read! I think that is why children love to read when they are in elementary school because it was fun. I can remember my own children waiting for me to show them the pictures in the book. I also love how you mention that when students are required to "think outside the box", they basically freeze up. We need to continue to broaden their thinking and find ways to develop meaning to the written word. It takes a little more effort to plan lessons that present the same information in different ways, but that is the way teachers should focus their energy! Great post :)

  4. I agree with you 100% that images should be included in texts. I also reminisced to when I was reading as a kid and looking at the pictures to help me understand. It's sad that the way in which we learn to read by associating a word with a picture goes to the wayside once we have understood the word. I think it would be a great asset to have pictures in texts to help illustrate concepts and connections between themes, issues, and ideas. There is also proof from research that states students learn better when they have a graphic organizer to organize their thoughts and associations. In my classroom, I try to use graphic organizers to help my students understand the characteristics of polygons. The students look to me and say "Why didn't you show us this first?" when describing a square is a square but a rectangle can be a square. It would make connections much better for students.

  5. Cara-
    I really loved the quote you chose! I also agree that we should learn about all the up-and-coming technology that our students love so much because, in all actuality, if we want to teach to them, we have to know what they know and teach how they enjoy to learn! You are also right that this quotes just about summed up this week's reading! Great post and great point!

  6. Well, I personally would love to see us move back toward imagery for more sophisticated pieces of writing. I think the illuminated text could indeed make it's way into challenging, well-written, literature. I would be even more amazing if authors could take part in choosing the imagery for their work. So I agree with you that imagery should be included in advanced literature... Perhaps digital media will make that more economical for publishers?

  7. Cara,
    “According to the author, educators should care about multimodal texts because when utilized students become more complex thinkers.” I agree with you and this was a good point to bring from the reading. The students we have today are multi-taskers! They do not know how to just sit and focus on one assignment they would prefer to be listening to music while working or have a tv going in the back ground while they create their master pieces. They have grown up doing these things and to them it is just human nature. I agree that multimodal texts should be used by educators and that when they are used they would create more complex thinkers! My main focus is to become familiar enough with it myself that I don’t feel like a complete train wreck when I attempt to do this in my classroom! I also agree with you that images should be used with text regardless of the complexity. I too believe that it would really help with harder readings and students would have a better overall understanding of what they are reading if images were included! I also like your image you included in your post! Very good definition of what this week’s reading was all about.
