Thursday, May 29, 2014

Multimodal Presentation on Scrapbooking

May 29, 2014

I have developed a passion for scrapbooking the lives of my family over the past 14 years.  I enjoy taking pictures of each activity and event and documenting these in my scrapbooks.  I have developed great friendships through this hobby and spend countless hours creating keepsakes that I hope my daughters and extended family will treasure.  I take great pride in my creations and hope you will enjoy viewing many of my own scrapbook pages in this presentation.

Multimodal Presentation

June 4, 2014

Self-Assessment of Multimodal Text

                Is the typeface attractive and readable?
                Are there any statistics or other data that would be easier to read in a chart, graph, or table?
                Is high-contrast text, including boldface and all caps, brief enough to be legible? 

As far as the readability of my multimodal text project on scrapbooking, I believe the typeface I used was attractive and legible.  I used a variety of color to create feeling of calm and serenity because scrapbooking to me is a pleasant and relaxing hobby in which I can express my creativity and uniqueness.  In composing this multimodal text I did not think to utilize any graphs or statistics of data but could do so in researching how popular scrapbooking has become as a hobby in general. 

In reviewing other multimodal texts I realize I could have and probably should have included some statistics or history as well as the definition of scrapbooking.  I believe it would be a relevant and surprising statistic to find out many people find scrapbooking as “cheaper than therapy”.

Images and Other Graphics
       What do images and other graphics contribute? Do they illustrate a concept? highlight an important point? show something that is difficult to describe in words alone? If the images and other graphics are only decorative, consider removing them.
Many of my graphics and images are my own personal creations of scrapbook pages.  I found classmates that reviewed my project were interested to see the pages I had scrapbooked and the activities my family in which my family enjoys.  I think by seeing the pages as well as all the materials that are needed to preserve memories was adequate and essential in stressing the importance of archival quality. However, I know that in revising my multimodal text project I will attempt to expound on the archival quality symbol that was retrieved from Wikipedia.

Overall, I found that creating this multimodal text project, it was difficult for me to compose slides with five or less words.  I see the need to be concise and use the photos for focus but less than five words makes it difficult to title the slide and also explain the relevance of the photo.

       Are images and other graphics the right size—big enough to read or to see the important detail?
I believe my photos were the right size for detail to be seen clearly.

       Do images have an obvious focus? Will readers see the part that matters? If not, consider if you can crop the image.
My images did have an obvious focus and I know readers did see the part that mattered especially when viewing my own scrapbook pages.

       Are the charts, graphs, maps, or other graphics clear and informative? 


       If color is used, is it appropriate to the audience and purpose? Does color direct emphasis where it belongs? Are too many colors used?

I believe the use of color in my presentation had a purpose and was relevant to my project. I wanted to portray my scrapbook room as a peaceful and tranquil place for to unwind and create these memorable keepsakes for my children.
I did not use too many colors but the colors I did use other than titles were soft yet demonstrated the point well.

Content Learning
                How do all the formal elements, pictorial as well as textual and symbolic, contribute to your emotional response or intellectual understanding of the concept?

Yes, I do believe that all the elements I included in my multimodal text did contribute to the emotional response and intellectual understanding of the concept of scrapbooking.  Many comments that were made specifically indicated they did not know how involved this hobby was or the proper materials that should be used in constructing a scrapbook.  Also, by adding my own creations the viewers could relate more to me and my family’s activities as well as see the why I titled the project “For the LOVE of Scrapbooking”. 


  1. What interesting tidbit did you learn from the presentation? The most interesting tidbit of information that I learned was the type of paper you should use to create a scrapbook.

    What image best supported your understanding of, or interest level in, the information? The images that supported my understanding and increased my level of interest were the examples of events that scrapbooking should be used for. This definitely increased my interest level as well as stimulated my creative side.

    Were there any combination of image and words that caused confusion or could have been combined differently to improve understanding? I felt that the project was thoroughly done. There was just the right amount of text to help the viewer understand the presentation. Well done!

  2. What interesting tidbit did you learn from the presentation? As I am not a scrapbooker, I had no idea what types of embellishments and tools were available for use by those who *do* scrapbook.

    What image best supported your understanding of, or interest level in, the information? There were several images of your own completed scrapbook pages (holidays, family time, etc.) that have spurred my interest of trying my own hand at creating scrapbooks for my family.

    Were there any combination of image and words that caused confusion or could have been combined differently to improve understanding? The only thing that I would have liked a bit more clarification of was the archival-safe symbol. Is this something that I need to look for on any/all of the materials that I would purchase? I was a bit confused as I am so new to this artistic idea! Great project!!!

  3. 1. What interesting tidbit did you learn from the presentation?
    I thought her comment with regards to why she does scrapbooking was fun. She said it is “cheaper than a therapist.” We all need distractions that calm us and allow us to fuel our creativity. I am familiar with scrapbooking, so none of the information was new to me, but I enjoyed the way she presented the content and found it nicely arranged.
    2. What image best supported your understanding of, or interest level in, the information?
    Slides 8-17 were photos of her personal scrapbook page arrangements, and I found this particularly helpful in relating the pastime specifically to her, which makes it more fun when viewing the slide show and imagining her painstakingly assembling each page with love and attention.
    3. Were there any combination of image and words that caused confusion or could have been combined differently to improve understanding?
    No, the information and images were organized appropriately and provided clear understanding of her subject. She did a nice job!

  4. What interesting tidbit did you learn from the presentation?

    I didn’t know that news paper was not good to put into scrapes books. My mother loved to scrape book and I felt she used new papers for some. Do you know of a way to preserve news papers if you wanted to use them in a scrape book?

    What image best supported your understanding of, or interest level in, the information?

    I really liked how you shared with us some of your work. It shows you really love this and also gave your presentation a personal touch.

    Were there any combination of image and words that caused confusion or could have been combined differently to improve understanding?

    On slide 2 I am going to assume that the picture is the symbols for Archival Quality material but not sure. I would say that was one area I was a bit confused as to if I was understanding the slide correctly or not.

  5. What interesting tidbit did you learn?
    I have friends who scrapbook but did not know all of the materials you need! I also did not know there was an "unsafe" type of paper to use when scrapbooking.

    What image best supported you understanding of the subject?
    The images of the actual finished scrapbook helped me understand why someone would love to preserve memories this way! I feel that I saw a little into what your family does within a year. I am also jealous of your organization on the first slide!

    What images or use of words caused confusion?
    The only image I did not know was slide two with the 8 inside a circle. I would guess that is the symbol one looks for when finding photo safe materials. Great presentation!
